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"Insight into Past Classes" Blog Post#9-Remix

This week my teacher decided to show us examples of online student portfolios from his past classes. Afterwards he asked us to choose one...

"Habitat" Remix-Blog#5

Today my class was asked to listen to the first episode of a podcast called “The Habitat.” The narrator of the podcast was keeping up...

"BBG 11" Remix-Blog#3

Chapter 11 of our Bedford Book of Genres textbook was titled “Exploring Topics and Creating a Research Proposal.” In it, Amy Braziller...

"Shitty First Drafts" Remix-Blog#2

Well I would just like to start off by saying that this chapter from Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird was very relatable. I cannot count the...

"I Once Was Miss America" Remix-Blog#1

First off I would just like to say "Wow." Roxane Gay's piece really spoke to me. At first when she was discussing Vanessa Williams I...

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